MN Department of Agriculture is looking for locations to host on-farm weather stations. The station is no cost to the owner and will be maintained by MDA. The host of the station will receive access to accurate local weather data. Please forward this information on to those who may be interested.
Information: The Minnesota Department of Agriculture is looking for new weather station locations for expansion of the Minnesota Ag Weather Network. The expansion will occur throughout the main crop production areas of Minnesota. Funding for the Minnesota Ag Weather Network expansion was provided by the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment. The goal of the expansion is to provide agricultural producers with reliable real-time local weather data and weather-related ag tools to guide decisions for effectively managing nutrient inputs and water usage, appropriately time crop chemical application, and reduce leaching and runoff. Accurate and timely weather information is necessary for many precision agriculture technologies and best management practices. This will help farmers optimize management decisions which improves farm profitability, reduces loss of agricultural inputs, and protects surface water and groundwater.
Application for a Weather Station: Minnesota Ag Weather Station Host Application | Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Access to Data: NDAWN | Weather
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