Monday, December 23, 2024

Good Food Access Program Equipment and Physical Improvement Grant

The Good Food Access Program (GFAP) Equipment and Physical Improvement Grant increases the availability of and access to affordable, nutritious, and culturally appropriate foods for underserved communities in low- and moderate-income areas. Apply by January 16, 2024. Grants help grocery stores and small food retailers make physical improvements and purchase equipment to stimulate sales of such foods.Grant Amounts: $5,000 - $75,000

Eligible Applicants: For-profit and nonprofit grocery stores and small food retailers such as corner stores and farmers markets. Funds must be used for projects that will increase the sales of nutritious and culturally appropriate foods. 

Eligible expenses include:

Equipment (like coolers and freezers).
Installation costs for eligible equipment.
Costs for physical improvements needed for installing equipment (like electrical or architectural work).

Key Dates and Information:Application Deadline: January 16 by 4 p.m.

Learn More & Apply

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