Thursday, January 2, 2025

Extending the Rotation: Finding an Effective Third Crop

Only a few more days to preregister for Practical Farmers of Iowa's preconference short course: "Extending the Rotation: Finding an Effective Third Crop"

Are you a little bored growing only corn and beans? Curious how to work in a bit of something else? This short course will look at several crops for extended rotations and the feasibility of growing and marketing them in the Midwest. Join farmers and researchers excited to share key production knowledge, new opportunities and their own experience, including mistakes to avoid.

Explore the schedule for the short course Thursday, Jan. 9-Friday, Jan. 10 at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines, Iowa:

Session 1: Exploring Millet Research and Its Potential for Midwestern Farmers

Speakers: Srikanth Panthulugiri, Asheesh Singh, Juan Ignacio Di Salvo

Millet is a small, seeded grass grown worldwide as a grain for human or animal consumption. In this session, we’ll explore millet research showing that it requires fewer inputs and can withstand variable weather conditions.

Session 2: Reliant on Rye: Scaling Up to Deliver On Cover Crop Demand

Speaker: Dean Sponheim

Cereal rye has become a cover crop staple across the Midwest. As more acres are covered each year, demand is growing for cover crop seed. In this session, learn where rye fits in rotations, how to scale up and what to know about this growing market.

Session 3: Making Oats Make Sense

Speakers: Anne and Landon Plagge

Oats were once a crop grown extensively in the Midwest but experienced a steep decline over the past several decades. This session will explore how oats fit in farm rotations, where market opportunities exist and why oats are making a comeback and might just make sense as a consistent crop in Midwestern farm rotations.

Session 4: Burgeoning Buckwheat: An Unassuming Crop With Numerous Benefits

Speakers: John Wepking

Grown as either a cover crop or a grain crop, buckwheat fills a special place in a farm’s rotation with its short growing season that allows for planting of a subsequent winter cereal crop. Learn the ideal planting time for buckwheat, what crops it should follow in rotation and how to profit from incorporating this modest small-grain crop.

Session 5: Striking Oil: Drilling Down Into Oilseed Opportunities

Speakers: Matt Leavitt and Ben Penner

Winter oilseed crops can be processed into biofuels, lubricants, edible oils, animal feed and more. Hear farmer and researcher perspectives on winter camelina and pennycress for farming systems across the Upper Midwest.
Register by Jan. 2

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