Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Women Farmers Aging Strong

 Join Renewing the Countryside again for a unique online series -- Women Farmers Aging Strong -- kicking off September 4 and running monthly through May covering a range of topics to help us preserve and protect our most important farming tool: our own bodies. 

These sessions continue a successful pilot to create such safe, supportive “Learning Circle” spaces for women-identifying farmers to share and learn together specifically on body mechanics.

Each month we will cover a different theme and topic, including both mental and physical health awareness along with a new movement exercise we’ll do together. 

Register once and you will get reminders for each session. Come whenever you can or -- better yet -- come to all!  

Free to attend. All sessions run on Wednesdays, 11-11:45 am CST.

Register here.

Topics covered include:

  • Improving balance

  • Eating enough protein, fiber & healthy fats

  • Managing stress

  • Rest & recover

  • Continuing to farm as we age

All women-identifying farmers are welcome, wherever you are on your agricultural journey.

Pre-registration required and space is limited.  Register here.

This series is a part of the Farm Labor Dashboard, providing tools and strategies to help small and medium-sized produce and diversified livestock farms make informed labor decisions. Partners include the University of Vermont and Renewing the Countryside with funding support from Northeast Extension Risk Management.

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Seed Savers Exchange Online Course

  Seed Savers Exchange is hosting a 6-week virtual seed saving course, October 7 through November 11.   Registration is now open !